Todays & Tomorrows
Somehow, it is late October, and I have no idea how that came to be… Well, I do- time has been continually accelerating, so don’t blink too often. I hope this communication finds all of you well. September came and went, and I was lucky to see friends in LA, NY, and Chicago; come November, it’s on to Japan!
Remembering Today
Todays: Remembering Today LP/Japan Tour
My latest full-length release- a collection of unreleased material spanning the last couple of years entitled “Remembering Today” (released on P-Vine)- hit stores in Japan on 9.16, and I am zooming out east (or, really far west depending on how you look at it) to tour and, um, take another vacation! I’ll need to update those of you over there with the venues, but here are the dates and cities:
Friday, 11.18: Kanazawa
Saturday, 11.19: Fukuoka
Sunday, 11.20: Hiroshima
Friday, 11.25: Tokyo
Sunday, 11.27: Kyoto
I’ll post specifics on my myspace page as it gets closer. For those of you in the US & Europe who aren’t keen on buying the import version of the album, Mush will be releasing it on 12.6 domestically with the same music and mostly the same art, handled beautifully by Doug Bowden (
Suicide/Krylon Psychology 7″ Out Now on Consumers Research & Development
Out as of this week is a very limited 7″ on Chicago’s Consumers Research & Development label. The A-Side, “Suicide” appears on the album, while the 2 B-Side cuts are exclusive to this pressing of only 500 copies. “Krylon Psychology” is an old track made circa my Paint EP on Chocolate Industries, and is a favorite of mine. The second song- a short one based on an incredibly damaged CD I took out from the library- is available for previewing on the site. Its title is what the Evanston Public Library types on a small piece of paper glued innocently to the inside of the jewel cases: “The Plain Silvery Side of This Disc Is The Side Involved in Sound Reproduction. Be Careful Not to Scratch or Mistreat The Silvery Side of This Disc”
Between the traveling and the fucking Jet Blue incident (believe it or not, I did an interview with Japanese 60 Minutes this past Monday at my apartment, and what was hopefully a final interview with Reader’s Digest!), I haven’t been able to get very grounded in the last month or so. BUT, I am finally getting back to work on new material. I am working on a remix now that I’ll divulge a little more about when it gets closer to release date, but will soon be able to work on music for my next album for Mush, which I truly hope to finish by late spring. I’ll write soon with news about my compilation/remix releases over the winter but, meanwhile, have a wonderful Halloween!